VPA Spring Meeting
Beyond Medications: A Pharmacist's Role in Safety and Stewardship
8 AM - 4 PM | Sunday, March 13, 2022
Mountain Top Inn, Chittenden, VT
Pharmacists: $69 members, $149 non-members
Technicians: $40 members, $50 non-members
Students: $40 members, $50 non-members (includes student membership until August 2022!)
CE Topics will include: Medication Safety, Benzodiazepine deprescribing, Opioids, and Anticoagulation
This meeting will fulfill 2 hours of controlled substance CE required for VT pharmacists and 1 hour of medication safety CE as required by NY state.
All state and local guidance in regards to COVID-19 will be followed for this event. Attendees must be vaccinated, and masks must be worn when not eating or drinking.
Join us for snowshoeing at Mountain Top Inn at 2:45 PM on Saturday, March 12 and for a social gathering at the inn's tavern at 6:00 PM.